Wk3 Ron Smith Interview Interactive Q&As

1. What is the purpose of the New Media Academy at Hollywood High School?

The Academy at Hollywood High School is carer focus, their goal is to get students into the entertainment business.

2. What is an ideal situation that you will like your students to have?

That after they graduate from high school, they go to College but at the same time they work in the entertainment business.

3. What kind of media do students like best?

The like Flash Animation, mostly for websites, but they also do some for video.

4. What do your students like about using the media?

They like to be more creative than making things up...

5. What does Ron uses to get his students engaged in his class?

He uses movies, sounds, websites, he uses anything that will get his students interested in what is happening.

6. What kind of technologies or media he has used in his class?

Podcasting, text messaging, and videos.

7. Why teachers have not adopted completely the digital media in their classes?

Because it requires a lot of preparation.

8. Which open source applications has Ron used in his class?

Scratch: to make video games
Sketch up: to do 3D models
Blender: to create 3D aminations

9. What do you see as a trend for future education?

There will be a lot of curriculum desing and instructional material going online to service students who are in differente places in their educational career.

10. How will you adapt these new technologies to incorporate them in your classes?

*Personal opinion


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