Spoiling Survivor

  The internet has made possible that people from different parts of the country or even from different countries could participate together in daily activities. Two examples of that are the Full Sail online Master's Degree Programs and blogs like the one you are reading now. For me it is really amazing to see all the communication possibilities that we have at our reach today, some of them were only a dream when I was growing up, and now they are part of our daily lives: cell phones, fast computers, text messaging, e-mail, and online video/audio conversations.
     When I arrived to the USA in January 1995 to study at Florida State University, the internet was just starting to take shape and become accesible to indivivuals, and in Costa Rica only a few institutions and private companies had access. I remember my first experiences with bulletin boards and e-mail two things that were new for me. Of course at that time most of the services didn't have any icons or graphical user interfaces like the ones we have now, but they were a fast way to connect with your classmates or get information from different parts of the world in a matter of hours. From these previous experiences and the new ones I am having now in this program, I can see why so many people would like to get involve in this kind of hobbies or activities. When you get in touch with other people online, is like if you were sharing a secret with your close friends in a "private conversation". Everyone gives his/her opinion about the subject being discussed and then you get to a collective conclusion that represents the main idea that everybody shares about it.

Many times the discussion becomes a way to demostrate how smart you are, or how literate you are about the subject being discussed, so it transforms itself into a game where the winner is the one who can prove that knows more or have more information before anybody else, it is almost like an ego game. Of course there are a few people who likes to show off and become popular among the rest, another ones that take everything personal and very seriously, and a few like me that likes to see what is going on and enjoys watching people competing against each other. A perfect example of this is the Survivor sucks site, in which many members try to be the first one to get the clues to predict the outcome of the season's final episode, in this case the survivor and winner of the cash price.


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