Wimba Session - Week 3

In spite of the possibility of using fair use of a work for a not commercial purpose, I'm glad that places like creative commons exists. They are a relief for not being worried about what a copyright holder could consider a fair use of their work. It seems to me, according to what was discussed on the wimba session, that it does not exists a clear agreement of what it is considered a true fair use of something, so you will always be in danger of getting into a legal problem using something that you did not created yourself. It is wise to always ask the permission of the copyright owner to use their work, doing this you might get a good response from the owner who will let you use his/her work for a fee adjusted to your budget or even just giving them the credit they deserve.

From now on I will keep using places like creative commons to get material that I can use to complement my works, it will be easier and safer doing that than getting into the trouble of using something that you do not know anything about its copyrights.


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