Apple does it Again (wk3)

A couple of days ago Apple introduce another marvel that I am sure will have an impact on Education. A lot of people are calling the Ipad the big brother of the Iphone, but the Ipad is much more than that. This new gadget is capable of doing many things that a laptop will do but in a fancier and easier way.
What I like the most about this new machine is the simplicity and neatness of the operatng system that it contains. It includes many of the applications that the iphone has but there also some new ones that were created especifically for this tablet. I remeber reading an article in magazine a month ago about some predictions of what the Apple Tablet could have, and I must say that the differences between what it was predicted and the actual machine are minimum.
I am already saving money to be able to get one as soon as they become available here in Costa Rica. I am sure that I will be able to find multiple applications for this machine in the classroom, and if everything goes like Apple says, then it will replace my MacBookPro as my everyday companion.


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