Writing the Final Draft (wk2)

It seems like yesterday when I started my classes at Full Sail, and now the end is near. As I begin to write the final words of my thesis's final draft, I am doing a mental review of all the books, discussions, projects and assingments that we have gone through this year. I have not been able to settle down and analyze everything that we have learned during this time until now.
Going through the pages of my thesis I can see how all this information starts to make sense. A few things that were not clear for me a few months ago are now an important part of my new school life. I have started to put into practice many of the things that I am mentioning in my thesis, so for me these ideas are not longer something that you just think or write about, they are now part of the experiences that I live everyday.
I am really looking foward to see the results that my students will have this trimester after they become familiar with the new tools that I am putting in their hands to help them create their own PLEs.


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