From the last chapters of this book, there was one idea that got stuck in my mind: tell the story of "WE" and not the story of "I". How deep is this concept, and how powerful are its implications. If you think about it for a minute then you will discover that this idea has been around for centuries and many religions includes it as part of the "rules" you must follow to have a healthy and prosperous life. The whole preaching of Jesus Christ is centered around this idea. If we eliminate the individuality and we begin thinking in the community then problems like the egoism and violence can be erradicated from the face of the earth. I am convinced that somewhere along the way in the history of humankind, we have lost some of the values that separate us from the rest of the living beings that exists in this planet. The question here is: Are we going to be able to go back and recuperate those values before it is too late?. Well, the answer to this question i...
Here I am again, trying to keep up with my life, my job, my classes and my studies. I feel like every day that goes by it is less and less the time that I have to do everything I must do. Sometimes I have to decide between finishing my assingments for Full Sail or planning the lessons for my classes, and I am not mentioning the times when I have to grade homeworks or tests. A lot of people tells me that I am crazy, that not having enough sleep is going to be bad for my health, and they are right, I am already suffering the consequences. The levels of stress that I am accumulating have made me go twice last month to the doctor with infections in my throat and lungs. I have also needed to receive a massage at least once a week, to help me relieve the back and neck pains. In spite of this situations I am convinced to finish what I started, and I am trying to organize my time the best I can, to be able to finish with the last classes at Full Sail and finish to write my thesis. I am looking...
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