Giving myself an A

Since the beginning of our school life we soon get accustomed to receive grades. As we grow up we begin to be differencitated by the grades we receive, and those grades influence the choices we made about who our friends are, the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the places we go to, etc.
Many accept those numbers or letters as a label and a true representation of who they are, some others do not. But those grades, as many other things in our planet were invented by human beings, and they do not represent how much you know or not about a particular topic, after all there are many factors that can interfere in the grade you receive in a test, a homework, an assingmnet, etc.
In the most part of my student life I was labeled as a C+ student, and I was ok with that. I created my own frame and I never tought deeply in the true meaning of that grade and the possibilities that could open for me if I was able to think outside the box. It is for that reason that after reading the pages assignned for this week I have decided to change my perception of grades and convince myself that I can also be an A student.


  1. I can completely relate to your thinking about your status in the classroom, I was a C student all through elementary and junior high. I became more interested in reading in high school and got up to a B. I didn't hit my stride at all until University when I started pulling A's. The A's came after I saw myself differently, just like what you wrote. It does make a difference.


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