A New Beginning

This week I began a new school year in my Institute. As it is usual I came to the school full of energy, with a lot of fresh ideas to put into practice with my students and with a lot of expectations about what this year might bring us. There is no doubt that we are getting into a big challenge this year. We at Centro Educativo Horizonte 2000 have decided that in this new decade are going to make our best effort to become a College, at the same time that we are going to incoporate the use of technology in the classroom even more than in previous years. My goal this year is to become a better teacher, to explore new ways to complement my classes outside the classroom and to help my students to create their own Personal Learning Environments. I know that many of my students do not have enought time to study at home, because they have many responsabilities, but I will do everything I can to help them find new ways to practice and study at home, and many gadgets (cell phones, mp3's, ...