
Los Estudiantes del Siglo 21

Los estudiantes de este siglo han cambiado radicalmente, ya no son iguales a los de veinte cuantos años atrás y el que se niegue a aceptar esta realidad, simplemente está creando una bomba de tiempo que no tardará en explotar.Los niños de hoy tienen como lengua materna el lenguaje digital de las computadoras, los videojuegos y el internet, ellos no son capaces de desarrollar temas usando papel y lápiz, pero si son capaces de crear y desarrollar temas a través de imágenes, música y animaciones. Por qué será que a nuestros políticos y encargados de desarrollar los programas educativos les cuesta tanto entender ésto. El Sistema Educativo costarricense está obsoleto desde finales de la década de los ochenta y los parches que se le han hecho no son suficientes para atender las demandas y necesidades de los estudiantes actuales. Actualmente no sabemos ni siquiera que tipo de ciudadanos queremos para el futuro. La falta de conocimiento de la historia, respeto a los símbolos nacionales y desc...

We are living in the future, we dreamed about a few years ago.(wk4)

In this opportunity I will like to share a video about something that just blowed my mind. It is incredible the type of technologies that are bein developped around the world. It is simply amazing, and this time it is about the Xbox 360. I just can stop thinking and dreaming about the bunch of things that we will be able to do with this in the classroom. Can you imagine yourself being able to explore a human cell, or reviving a famous battle, or exploring space? and what about the Virtual Learning Environments? The possibilities are endless.

Almost there...(wk4)

I am almost over, finally I am getting to the last part of the program, and I am still here sitting down, looking for things to write about, the whole time pressure is over me, I feel tired and I can think anymore, but I am still here giving myself to this. I see people come and go, while everybody else is at their homes resting, I am still in my office writing. My girlfriend comes online, she wants to speak with me, but I tell her that I am busy, that I need to finish my assingments for the university. She says that it doesn't matter, that she will stay online giving me company, that she will not distract me, that she understands. I feel sorry because I would like to share sometime with her, but my obbligations are first, after all I am just a few weeks away to finally get my degree. Now she is reading my notes, she says that she liked the one about us, that it is good, that almost make her cry, so I feel happy about that.  But now I must continue with my assingments, so I will l...

Creating a Spark (wk4)

There is one rule that I have established to myself this year: to become a spark to lit others. I am already puting this into practice into my classes. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by a mountain of problems that we face day by day, but we must forget about all that as soon as we step into the classroom. There are many students that could be facing worst problems than the ones we are dealing with, and still they make the effort to get to class to receive anything that we can give them, so it is not fair for them that we receive them with a long face and with a low energy. We must do our biggest effort to be energized everyday and to transmit our energy to them. We can spark the light of knowledge in their hearts and minds, qne when we are able to achieve that, then there are not limits to what we can achieve in our classrooms, as they say the universe is the limit, and the universe of possibilities will be open to us.

My New Online Experiences (wk3)

When I began using the internet back in 1995, I never imagined how this new media would affect my life. It rapidly became my favorite hobbie, and later an important piece in my life. I must admit that during the 90's I became an Internet addict, I used to spend hours and hours connected online, talking to people by bulletin boards and sending and receiving e-mails. It was also my first source of information about my favorite computer platform at the time: the Commodore Amiga 3000. As I grew up and the Internet became faster and easier to use I began to explore other areas of the online communities. Since in my personal life being single and available was a constant becaus of the lack of time to go to bars or other social activities then I decided to get a few subscriptions to a couple of sites where it it supposed that you can get a match. One of the sites that I joined was Seat for Two, a site created by a Costa Rican journalist who got divorced herself. This was the site where I...

The First Week of Classes (wk3)

It is that time of the year again. A new school year is starting, students are getting back from their vacations, many smily faces are seeing throught the hallways of the school. Teachers are rushing to have the new materials ready, workers are finishing to paint the walls and fixing th desks and chairs that were damaged before the break. Many of us come with a lot of expectations, hopes and goals that we have established as our priority this year. If all of us could just keep that feeling alive through the whole year, then we could have different results than before. We must not forget our promises and we should keep something that reminds us evreyday about it, so we could continue developping the new process that we are staring today. We have to remember that education is a process that it is built step by step, for some people this process is longer than others.

Getting back to reality (wk3)

"The Way things are" is the title of chapter seven in the book "The Art of Possibility" by Benjamin Zander and his wife Rosamund Stone Zander. It reminds us that many times we are disconnected from reality, and we get trapped in conceptions and ideas that do not really exists. If we are able to scape from this fake reality, then we can find good alternatives to solve the common problems that we suffer in our daily lifes. I know that it is not easy to see new alternatives when you are acustomed to do things in a particular way, but we need to have an open mind, try new things, get out of the routine. If we keep this way of thinking we will be able to look at the positive side of everyday hard situation, and we will be able to keep our creativity going.