
Rushing against Time

This week was a very hard week for me. I had many things to do and not enough time to complete them. To make things worst my local internet service provider decided to make upgrades to their lines which made the connections ver, very slow at several times during the day. I always try to do my assigments with enough time, so I don't have to rush at the end to complete them, but there are sometimes that your plans fall apart for external influences. It is just not fair that when you need to rely the most on the services that you are paying for, it is when they fail you the most. I just feel fustrated and angry, but there is nothing I can do about it. I just hope to have better luck the next time.

The purpose of Education

I have been struggling during the past week to find a topic to talk about, and at the same time I have been finishing to prepare my students for the Examenes de Educación Abierta (Open Education Tests). For the first time since I began teaching I was able to see the topics for these test from a different perspective and I have come to the conclusion that these test were created as a way to slow down the time in which a student finishes his or hers Secondary Education.  If you analize the time that a student must spend to study and really learn the information, and the dates in which the tests must be taken you will discover that there is not enough time to be prepare to pass the tests.  Also if you take in consideration that not all the students advance at the same speed then we will have a bigger problem, but what can be the solution? Our educational system must be changed or kept the same? What is the real purpose of education? I will continue this analysis in my next post. 

Staring my own blog

Hi There! I just started to create my own blog. This is my first time trying this tool on a public service, so I am excited about the possibilities that it will give me to communicate my ideas and thoughts.